About the Practice

Welcome to Comprehensive Chiropractic & Wellness. Our overall emphasis is to ensure a positive patient experience by not only ridding patients of their debilitating, and often frustrating, pain, but also to improve the functional level of each individual. Once these initial goals are achieved, it is important to maintain this level of health. Therefore, prevention and maintenance become the primary focus of treatment. We will seek to prevent not only a recurrence of the old condition, but avoid new problems from arising as well. This is achieved through an individualized treatment plan consisting of rehabilitative exercise, stretching, deep tissue treatments and chiropractic manipulative therapy, as well as a various other therapeutic interventions, depending on the condition treated. It is this balance and emphasis on prevention that will allow each patient to achieve optimal results from their therapy here at Comprehensive Chiropractic and Wellness.


About the Doctor.

Dr Haynes is a long time Chicagoan, a dedicated physician, and a devoted husband and father. He has been helping his fellow chicagoans live healthier, happier and pain free lives for 15 years and counting. What makes Dr. Haynes so unique is that he doesn’t treat you like just a number, or just another patient. He understands that your needs and treatment must be one of a kind, just like you.

Dr. Haynes will take his time to hear and understand you and your concerns and then work hard with you to get to the root of the problem without using invasive procedures such as surgeries or injections, and without the need for prescriptions that simply mask the very problem you came in for. 

Dr. Haynes’ goal for each patient is to bring them out of pain and help educate and empower them to stay out of pain, on their own, with proper posture training, maintenance work, rehab and therapeutic exercises, and lifestyle changes.

If you are ready to be listened to by your doctor, to be treated as a unique individual, and to live a happier, healthier, pain free life all from conservative physical medicine treatments, make an appointment today. Dr. Haynes looks forward to meeting you.


Meet the Doctor